







1958 : CFTACM Creation with the support of  OACI and PNUD

1994 : TransferringCFTACM to ONDA

1997 : starting the new training for ATCO and ATSEP in partnership with ENAC

2000:  Creation of the academy, inaugurated on October 26thby His Majesty King Mohammed VI

2004: launching engineering curriculum 

2006: starting Master trainings for ATCO and ATSEP

2007: first graduates of Civil Aviation engineers

2011 : Publication of the Academy decree in the official gazette.

2013 :AIAC Mohammed VI manages to add a new branch to its credit: training airline pilot-engineers










A 6-hectare area ​​

22 classrooms

15 engineering laboratories

6 air traffic control simulators

190 seats auditorium

Digital printing workshop

Resource center

Conference Center (500 seats)


Initial training


Continuing training 
  • Intra-ONDA
  • 1,700 interns per annum
  • 70 internshipthemes
  • 100 sessions per annum
  • International Perspective
  • 41students mainly come from ASECNA and from French-speaking African countries
  • 720 interns following continuing training  namely in AVSEC and ATC
  • 75%of AIAC’s graduate engineers have found a job within three months
  • 25%have been hired by the companies where they have carried out their culminating projects
  • 67%think that nature of their jobs correspond to what they have studied


Employment statistics


Policy objectives


Novel opportunities for profitability
  • A project to train 22 controllers from ANAC Mauritania
  • An underway project to train Libyan electronics personnel in radionavigation systems